JACET Hokkaido Chapter
Registration Form for Chapter Study Meetings and for the Annual Chapter Conference

Please fill out the form below and then click "Confirmation."
Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk "*" must be filled in.
Name *
Affiliation *
Email address *
iEmail confirmationj
Select your preference for the presentation *
(multiple choices allowed)
The first chapter study meeting
The second chapter study meeting
The third chapter study meeting
The annual chapter conference
The language of your presentation * English
Presentation title in English*
Presentation abstract*

50-150 words for presentations in English
Please indicate if you have specific technical needs for your presentation
Do you have any other inquiries?

Please read the terms and conditions below. If you agree, please place a check mark in "I agree" and click gConfirmation." After you confirm the information finally, please click "Submit." Your presentation request may not be accepted if you do not agree with the terms and conditions.

1. Presentations must consist of a 20 minute presentation followed by 5 minutes of questions and discussion. In the case of lectures, symposiums and workshops, we will contact you about the details.

2. Please make sure you bring 30-50 copies of your presentation handouts to distribute.

3. The information you have filled out in the above registration form, except your email address, may be reported on the chapter study meeting program, the annual chapter conference program, the chapter website, the chapter newsletters or JACET newsletters.

4. Pictures may be taken during the session. Some of your pictures may be uploaded on the chapter website and so on.

5. You are required to submit files of your presentation handouts, including power point files, after the presentation so that those chapter members who are registered in the password-required webpage can take a look at them. You may omit any personal information that can violate the copyright.

  I agree with the terms and conditions above. *

Contact information If you have any questions, please email us at jacethokkaidocontact[at]jacethokkaido.sakura.ne.jp (*please change [at] to @)