Welcome to JACET Hokkaido Chapter !  JACET北海道支部へようこそ!

  毎年7月に開催される支部大会、年3回から4回開催される研究会(講演会などを含む)、『Research Bulletin of English Teaching』の刊行など、20年以上にわたって研究会活動を積極的に行っています。

  日時:2024年11月9日(土)13:00 ~
  場所:札幌大学 6号館6102教室 (対面開催)


12:30~13:00 【受付】
13:00~13:05 【開会式】
13:05~13:30 【研究発表①】
中島 優子(北海道武蔵女子短期大学)

13:35~14:00 【研究発表②】
  “Utilizing Computer-Synthesized Speech in the Creation of Custom Listening Materials”
Lucas Denton (Sapporo International University)

14:00~14:20 【休憩/交流会】

14:20~14:45 【研究発表③】
  “Effect of Random Selection Tests on Vocabulary Learning in Japanese Learners”
Kiwamu Kasahara (Hokkaido University of Education)

14:45~14:50 【閉会式】

中島 優子(北海道武蔵女子短期大学)

[ 要旨 ]
 第二言語習得の分野において自己調整能力が重要視されて久しい。この能力が高まれば学習者は自らの学習プロセスを観察し、目的を達成するために様々な方法を模索できる。一方、リスニング指導では教科書中心、会話中心の指導が多くを占め、学習者中心の指導を実践する授業は少ない傾向にある。メタ認知指導は学習者中心の指導方法で聴き方そのものに焦点を当てる。この指導の下、学習者はメタ認知知識を身に付けリスニングプロセスの理解を深めることができる。最終的に学習者は自らの学習を自己調整する力を身に付ける。本研究では、メタ認知指導を受けた学習者の自己調整能力がどのように変化したのかを分析する。2022-2023年に入学した短期大学の1年生41名が1年間にわたって記入した授業中や期末の振り返りコメントをメタ認知知識やリスニングプロセスに対比させて分析する。 最後に授業への応用の可能性について考察する。

 “Utilizing Computer-Synthesized Speech in the Creation of Custom Listening Materials”
Lucas Denton (Sapporo International University)

[ 要旨 ] 
 Language learners seeking to improve their conversational skills will benefit from exposure to listening materials that are challenging but still accessible to them. While textbooks often include recordings of fluent speakers engaging in conversations that incorporate the content covered, these materials may exceed the listening abilities of students with lower proficiency. Textbook listening materials may be excessively long or feature accents which make them less accessible to beginner students. By integrating recordings of one's own voice with computer-synthesized speech, it is possible to create more accessible listening materials of appropriate length and difficulty level. Such recordings are easier to comprehend due to students' prior exposure to the teacher's voice, more natural than a single speaker talking alone, and allow for a focused emphasis on the language patterns and vocabulary students are practicing in class, while avoiding language that exceeds the students' current proficiency level. This presentation outlines and reports on a method for creating such materials.

“Effect of Random Selection Tests on Vocabulary Learning in Japanese Learners”
Kiwamu Kasahara (Hokkaido University of Education)

[ 要旨 ] 
 Recent L2 vocabulary studies have examined the benefits of spaced retrieval practice, which combines retrieval practice (the testing effect) and spaced learning (Kanayama et al., 2022). This method improves long-term retention by requiring learners to retrieve learned items over multiple sessions. Nakata et al. (2021) confirmed its effectiveness using cumulative tests (CTs) that repeatedly test previously studied items. However, CTs may give less attention to items introduced later in the study. To address this, this study introduced random selection tests (RSTs), which randomly test from all target words. Experiment 1 with university students showed RSTs to be superior to CTs. Experiment 2, conducted in a junior high school, compared RSTs to traditional tests, where target items are tested only once. The results indicated that RSTs were not more effective than traditional tests for junior high students, suggesting proficiency level and the number of target items as potential factors.




     日本語による発表はこちら / Presentation in English

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